Warranty Repairs…

I was able to run over to Ham Radio Outlet in Sunnyvale today at lunch and asked if they had any ideas.  We were going to try another cable (start with the cheapest link in the chain right?) but they only had default Kenwood cables and Mark has my serial adapter.  So… we tried my cable and laptop with the demo model in the case… and as I expected, it worked just perfectly.

So now we knew it was my radio, and after learning they don’t do any repairs in the shop, we went ahead and filled out the paperwork and they’ll ship it off to Kenwood since it’s still under warranty.  I asked if they had any estimates on how long it would take, and he simply said they’d call when it came in.

I may grab my old radio back from Mark this weekend if we meet up so I don’t have to give up this radio hobby cold turkey ;-)

Problems with my Kenwood TH-F6A and the data cable

I’ve been having a lot of fun playing with my Kenwood TH-F6A over the past months, been using it more to get on the air recently. I even joined ARES, Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Emergency Service. I’d listened to their nets occasionally over the years and after I heard Cap Pennell (KE6AFE) talking with someone about the new sign-up form, I figured I could easily both help with testing the form and get myself sign up at the same time.

But the bigger update is that I’m having radio troubles! I often am adding, changing, or re-ordering frequencies on this thing, and starting last night, my data cable is no longer working.

Programming CableAs I’ve mentioned previously I use MacMemoriesManager on my MacBook Air. It’s been working great all this time, but now the software keeps reporting that it can’t find the radio. First I tried a Menu Reset on the radio, then a VFO reset, and as a last resort I tried a full reset. Now I’ve got a blank radio and no way to program it via the cable!

If I get a few minutes tomorrow at lunch I’m going to try to run over to Ham Radio Outlet in Sunnyvale and see if they can take a look at it. I noticed that the double plug seemed like it was a bit firmer going in, so my guess is one of the small internal contacts inside the jack has bent out of position.

Playing with the Arduino

For months I’d been seeing pictures and reading stories about the Arduino, the short description from their website is:

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.

So before Christmas, Ellen and I were talking about gift ideas for each other and I went ahead and let her know that the Arduino was something I was interested in. She was willing to let me open it early, but I waited until Christmas anyways which gave me plenty of time to research it further online.

I have been really impressed by the platform, and by the programming interface to it. The software comes in Mac, Linux and Windows flavors so that covers just about everyone who would want to try it out. I ordered the Adafruit Proto Shield from Adafruit Industries. Since I bought that as a kit, I had to dig out my soldering iron and refresh my skills a bit.

In preparation for that, I’d recently completed building a MintyBoost kit from from ladyada.net. The MintyBoost is a battery charger for USB devices that runs off of two AA batteries. When I went to MacWord this year, I’d played with my iPhone in the car all the way up and ran the battery dead, so that helped convince me that having an external charger for it that ran off of batteries would be a nice thing to have.

But back to the Arduino… my first step was running through the tutorials over at ladyada site. They were really well put together and take you from the “Hello World” of physical computing, the blinking LED, through the use of switches and more advanced programming and logic.

My first sketches were just blinking LED’s at different speeds. Then I made an LED “breathe” like a sleeping Macintosh. Then I added in a switch and would make it blink or breathe. Played around with digital and analog inputs, tried out some sending and receiving of IR signals. One of the fun ones I did there involved pointing any IR remote control at the arduino to toggle an LED on and off again.


Other silly sketches were variations on the Night Rider light bar, I programmed one from scratch, then found better examples online that were smoother in appearance. I’d seen people trying POV or Persistence of Vision projects, so I downloaded a sketch and had it say Ellen’s name as you waved it back and forth in a dark room Won me some points with the wife there ;-)

I’ve played with RGB LED’s making them fade in to all the various colors, worked with a 7 segment LED to count from 0 to 9, worked with sending and receiving serial data via the USB port, started working on building a VU Meter (to be used for audio levels, lighting levels, water temperature, etc)

I keep planning on taking pictures, posting code snippets, etc, but I figure it might be better to get in the habit of posting anything and working on the details later. If you want to see any of the source for any items listed here, just let me know. More to come soon.

New Kenwood TH-F6A Handheld

Kenwood TH-F6AAfter quite a bit of reading reviews and looking through catalogs, and viewing the TH-F6A Instruction Manual, I finally settled on the Kenwood TH-F6A as my next radio. Well, actually, it’s “Ellen’s Radio” (KI6FEB) but she and I both know I’ll play with it a lot more often!

Since we only had my one radio, the Kenwood TH-D7, we never have talked to each other on the air, and I really wanted to get at least a basic setup going for emergency communications. I would like her to have a radio in her car so that if the big earthquake happens, at least we’ll have a chance of using radio to communicate.

So far I’ve been really impressed by it, very small size, I can tell it is well built, audio quality seems very good, and I haven’t been on the air with it yet but that will come soon enough.

One thing I really liked about having another Kenwood is I was easily able to transfer the memories from my TH-D7 to the TH-F6 with little trouble! For the D7, I’d been using a Keyspan USA-19HS to USB port, and connecting the Kenwood Data Cable to the radio. I was using MacMemoriesManager on Mac OS X with my 12″ Powerbook. Before I even got my F6 I ordered a USB Programming cable for it from an eBay store called qMall.

I knew there were no Mac drivers supplied with it… but I had faith, and my faith was rewarded with a quick search online. I quickly discovered the cable used the pl2303 Serial to USB chip, and that led me to the SourceForge project: PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X. I have noticed that Apple has a link to that same SourceForge project as well.

[2016 Update: Try this for PL2303 Mac OS X Driver Downloads for El Capitan, Yosemite, and Mavericks]

I struggled a bit, it was appearing that MacMemoriesManager couldn’t communicate with the radio. Of course I don’t ever read the manuals, so I struggled for a bit trying various options, baud rates, ports, etc until finally I wandered through the menu and found the secret option. Since the TH-F6A doesn’t have a separate PC port, they use Menu Number 9 “SP/MIC JACK” to determine the SP/MIC jack function. It includes the options of SP/MIC, TNC, and PC. I flipped that to PC and the frequencies started copying right away.

I was able to copy all of the D7 frequencies to it, and over the next days I’ll figure out how I want to organize all of the frequencies in to different groups and such. It’s great having the wider receive range, I can pick up AM broadcast, CB Radio, TV stations, all of the aviation band, etc. That was one reason I chose it, I won’t have to carry my Uniden Bearcat 200XLT scanner as often anymore.


ASOS information via APRS?!

In other radio related news, one of the cool tricks I learned last night at the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club meeting was from KA6MAL about a system he built. He’s got an APRS infopeater in Boulder Creek and has it set up so if you send a properly formatted message to it the system sends you a message back with the ASOS (Automated Surface Observation System) weather for the airport of your choice.

For the specific details and permission of how to use it, get in touch directly with KA6MAL, but the summary is you format an APRS (Automated Position Reporting System) message query to his infopeater callsign and SSID with a message of “?” for information on the system, or “?AVWX KWVI” for example to receive the Aviation Weather report for the ICAO airport identifier KWVI (Watsonville Municipal Airport). When you send that, his system replies with an “ack” and then passes along a report like this one:

082253Z AUTO 24007KT 10SM CLR 19/12 A2992 RMK AO2 SLP131 T019401{al

One of the downsides of either APRS or the Kenwood TH-D7 is that the TNC has a limit of 45 characters before it cuts off the message. If it’s a limit of APRS or common amongst other radios, it would be nice if Kamal’s system would break the packet at 45 characters and send a follow-up message with the remaining information.  The 45th character is after the “k” in “RMK” … generally the useful information is before that, but if the remark is that the station is unreliable or out of service… that would be a key piece of information!

I’m not sure how often I’d be able to use it, but when you need it, you need it! If nothing else I love seeing more practical uses of APRS and amateur radio! Now it has me wondering what other fun information we might be able to get access to via APRS?  I’ve seen earthquake data broadcast before, it might be really neat to query the infopeater and have it respond with the USGS data on the single most recent largest event in the last hour for a given state.

Either way, keep up the great work KA6MAL and thanks for sharing the information!

A pretty good day and a new antenna!

This morning I headed over to the Electronics Flea Market at De Anza college and it was definitely worth the trip over. I arrived a bit “late” at 8:15, apparently this thing starts at 5 am and most of the “good stuff” is gone by 7 am. Even so, it was neat to see the assortment of electronics equipment, computers, disk drives, military rations, oscilloscopes, radios and antennas. I could tell there were some really good deals on some items, but the few things I did ask about were a touch overpriced, but with a bit of bargaining I’m sure they would have been acceptable.

I ended up not buying anything there, but then Mark and I headed over to Scanners Unlimited in San Carlos after seeing their ad displayed on Fire Dispatch. The owner of the shop was very helpful, it was great to see his collection of vintage scanners and radios, as well as take a look at some of the new scanners and transceivers on the market. He had obviously been around the hobby a long time and knew the answer to just about every question I asked him. After a brief discussion of the options available for magnetic mounted dual band antennas, I went ahead and made a purchase of a Larsen Antennas W2/70B whip with the NMO2/70BCO coil and a Maxrad Black Magnetic Mount w/12′ RG58A/U, PL259 Connector.

Larsen NMO2/70B Dual Band Antenna

Maxrad Magnetic Base for Antenna

My old antenna was just not doing what I hoped it would and felt I wanted a bigger antenna to try to grab some additional signals, and it sure seems to have done the trick! I will do some testing later comparing my rubber duck, my old antenna, and the new Larsen, but I know as soon as I plugged it in I was getting more APRS packets than I knew what to do with, and as soon as I broadcast my own packet I got two copies back which is great news, recently from home none have been making it out. And I confirmed they did make it out to an iGate in the end, both FindU and Google Earth showed the packets I transmitted, looks like my APRS troubles may now be greatly reduced :-)

Minor updates

Not too much new going on lately in my world of radio, but tonight I made my way over to the Zayante Fire Station for the monthly meeting of the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club to check out one of their monthly meetings. Got to see or meet several of the people I hear on the local repeaters fairly regularly and look forward to future visits to get to meet some of the rest of them.

Tomorrow morning I’m heading over to the Electronics Flea Market that is held monthly (March—October) in one of the parking lots at De Anza college. Originally started by ham radio operators, it has now spread to cover all matter of electronics, computers, radio, robotics and who knows what else. I’m going to head over and meet up with Mark, KI6FEA, and if I’m lucky, I might even find a deal I can’t turn down and finally get Ellen, KI6FEB a radio.

Saying I’m buying it for the xyl is a great excuse for a new radio… right?

Silly Radio Quote

“You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat.”
Albert Einstein